Our Approach
With our enhanced social policy, we are now equipped with mechanisms and tools that improve the quality of life of the Company ’s employees and those living in the territories of the Company’s operations. These mechanisms and tools offer effective solutions to the following challenges:
Developing social infrastructure for local residents to enjoy a safe and comfortable life
This means taking care of employees and making a meaningful contribution to meeting acceptable standards of their everyday lives, as well as providing responsible support to regional and local authorities in keeping social infrastructure at a satisfactory level fully in line with the natural and climatic features of the region.
The Company pursues this agenda in partnership with the regional and local authorities.
Creating a competitive remuneration framework to reward employees for contributing to the Company’s growth
The system helps employees make independent and responsible choices of acceptable life scenarios for high-performance work and development. The Company makes sure that the remuneration it offers is above the market average and is used as a reward for meeting the Company’s efficiency and sustainability requirements based on the freedom of choice on both the Company and employees sides.
This task is pursued in partnership with the Company’s employees.
Achieving a high level of employee satisfaction with non-economic and non-production aspects of the Company’s operations
This implies the Company’s participation in the development of communities, initiative groups and public interest organisations that can contribute to solving complex social issues and support the key social institutions in the region. This aspect of the social policy is driven primarily by proactive citizens who are willing to better their immediate surroundings.
To solve each of the above tasks, the Company designs and implements social programmes and projects complying with the principles and aspirations of the regional social policy.