Transport and Logistics
Transport and logistics assets
Sea fleet
- 5 Norilsk Nickel container vessels
- 1 Yenisey reinforced ice class tanker (ARC 7 under the PMPC classification)
River fleet
- 163 self-propelled vessels
- 392 towed vessels
Rail car fleet
- 118 container flatcars
- 1 switch locomotive
- 1 Yermak electric locomotive
- 1 2М62 diesel locomotive
Aircraft fleet
- 16 helicopters
- 15 airplanes
In 2017, the total investment in the transport and logistics assets amounted to RUB 2.7 bn
- Dudinka Port
- Terminal at Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Seaport
- River ports in Krasnoyarsk and Lesosibirsk
- Railway tracks
- Bystrinsky Transport Division
- Norilsk Airport