Trans-Baikal Territory
About the assets
Bystrinsky Mining and Concentration Plant (Bystrinsky GOK) is the largest greenfield project in the Russian metals industry. Located in a hard-to-reach area of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Bystrinsky GOK took a mere 3.5 years to complete.
he facility processes gold, copper and iron ores from the Bystrinskoye Deposit. Going forward, Bystrinsky GOK is expected to process ca. 10 mtpa of ore. The facility is currently running in a pre-commissioning mode. After reaching the design capacity in 2021, Bystrinsky GOK will be producing some 70 ktpa of copper concentrate, 9 tpa of gold concentrate, and 2.1 mtpa of iron ore concentrate with a metal content of 65%. The magnetite and copper concentrates are sold to Russian and Chinese customers (with Japan and South Korea identified as prospective markets), while gold concentrate is shipped to Polar Division’s concentration facilities. Sum Element holds a 50.01% stake in Bystrinsky GOK.

Balance reserves of the bystrinskoye deposit
2018 highlight
Bystrinsky GOK accounted for 4% of the Group ’s total copper end products.
Geological exploration
No geological exploration to increase the volume of reserves was carried out on the deposit in 2018.

Mining assets
The Bystrinskoye Deposit is located in the Trans-Baikal Territory, 16 km east of Gazimursky Zavod.
The deposit is developed through open-pit mining at Verkhneildikansky and Bystrinsky-2 mines, with Medny Chainik and Yuzhno-Rodstvenny mines to be commissioned in 2030.
Sum Element also holds licences for geological exploration of the adjacent Bystrinsko-Shirinskoye Deposit and the Zapadno-Shakhtaminskaya and Tsentralno-Shakhtaminskaya Areas.

Bystrinsky GOK processes ores of the Bystrinskoye Deposit to produce copper, magnetite and gold concentrates. The concentrator is designed to have two separate processing streams, both of which were launched in 2018 as part of the pre-commissioning stage.
Copper and magnetite concentrates are sold to third parties, while gold concentrate is further processed at Polar Division.
Bugdainskoye Deposit
Through Bugdainsky Mine , Sum Element holds a mining licence for the Bugdainskoye Deposit — another asset in the Trans-Baikal Territory rich in molybdenum and precious metals.
With the geological exploration of the deposit completed in 2007, the identified B + С1 + C2 mineral reserves were entered into the government books. 2013 saw the launch of a development project in accordance with the duly approved design documents. In 2014, due to the low global molybdenum prices, the subsoil user suspended its right to develop the Bugdainskoye Deposit for three years.
In 2017, the suspension of the right to develop the deposit was extended for another five years, until 31 December 2022.

Balance reserves of the bugdainskoye deposit
В + С1 + С2