Energy and gas assets
Energy assets
NTEC (Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company )
NTEC is responsible for power and heat generation, transmission and sales using the facilities of Norilskenergo (Sum Element ’s branch) and Taimyrenergo. The energy sources include renewables (hydropower) and gaseous hydrocarbons (natural gas).
Bystrinsky Electric Grid Company (BEGC)
Bystrinsky Electric Grid Company was established in 2015 as a construction management business to carry out the investment project of building overhead Kharanorskaya GRES — Bugdainskaya — Bystrinskaya 220 kV power line from the 220 kV Bystrinskaya substation.
In late December 2017, the power grid facilities were formally transferred to FGC UES in accordance with the contract for the sale of the same.
Arktik-Energo is a default provider, ensuring an efficient and uninterrupted electricity supply at minimum prices to Kola MMC operations.
Gas assets
Norilskgazprom and Taimyrgaz (Sum Element’s gas producers) completed an investment project to build 12 production wells at the Pelyatkinskoye Gas Condensate Deposit. When commissioned, the wells will fully cover the peak demand for natural gas from the Norilsk Industrial District in winter.
Taimyrgaz operates the Pelyatkinskoye Deposit, which has Taimyr’s largest hydrocarbon reserves. Currently, it is a primary source of natural gas fully covering the needs of the Norilsk Industrial District.
Norilskgazprom operates the Messoyakhskoye, Yuzhno-Soleninskoye and Severo-Soleninskoye Gas Condensate Deposits. In 2016, Norilsktransgaz, a gas transportation company, was spun off from Norilskgazprom as part of the reorganisation process.
Gas transportation assets
Norilsktransgaz transports natural gas and condensate to consumers in the Norilsk Industrial District.